domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

The Vampire Funs

Such an epic moment, don't you think?

Hunger Games

Hell yeah. Hunger Games is back and we all are happy because the movie is already in the cinema.
Christmas Holidays are almost here and is the perfect time to see the second movie of the trilogy.

sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

My life is a mess

I'm feeling busy. Unfortunally, I got a million things to do and I don't know which one I should do in first place.
I'm desorganized, I always let everything to the last hour and at the end, nothing is done.
Isn't the first time I realized myself that I'm not organized but I never correct my personality.
Summing up: I can't live without a little bit of confusion.

Math wins

Hi. Today will be a great day.I will spend my afternoon solve math problems. Still do not understand the usefulness of the discipline but it is not for my opinion that the ministry of education will change your mind.
So just left me study.
I try to make math fun. Yes, you can. All problems are cases and I Sherlock Holmes. I know that no problem is compared to a case of Sherlock Holmes, but whenever I think that way I can solve all problems.
Now I'm leaving cause Math awaits me.